

Al Mukhalles - Catholic -Dhour - Saha
Al Mukhalles - Orthodox - Dhour
Al Saydeh
Mar Boutross   
Mar Elias     
Mar Jeryes
Mar Takla
Mar Yohanna  
Saint Therese




عيد مار الياس ) قبل قرن ) في الشوير

          عيد النبي الياس ، الذي يعيّد له في العشرين من شهر تموز ، كان يختلف كثيرا في منطقتنا ، في الشوير قبل نحو قرن من الزمن . كان الأرثوذكس في ذلك الوقت يعيّدونه على الحساب الشرقي ، أي على التقويم اليولياني المصحح ، الذي يتأخر عن الغريغوري 13 يوما . وقد درج معظم محرري المطرانيات والبطريركية الأرثوذكس يومذاك ، باستعمال هذا التقويم ، وإذا شاؤوا وضعوا الموافق له على الحساب الغربي ، أي الغريغوري .

        وكان أهالي " مديرية الشوير " في قائمقامية المتن ، من متصرفية جبل لبنان ، يعيدون على الحساب الشرقي ، أي في الأول من شهر آب ( غربي ) . ومن أجمل من وصف هذا العيد ، وما رافقه من مهرجانات محلية ، ما كتبه العالم الروسي الكبير  أغاتانغيل كريمسكي الى أهله في أوديسا – روسيا ، في الأول من شهر آب سنة 1897 ، وقد عني بنشر كتاباته أستاذي المؤرخ الدكتور مسعود ضاهر ، ونقله الى العربية الأستاذ يوسف عطالله.

        لقد حضر كريمسكي قداس العيد في الأول من آب سنة 1897، وقد أكرمه الرهبان بأن رتّلوا له بعض الصلوات البسيطة بالروسية ، الى جانب اليونانية أولا ، والعربية ثانيا . وبعد انتهاء صلاة العيد أذن رئيس الدير الى جوقة من أهالي الشوير بأن يقيموا مهرجانا محليا بمناسبة العيد . بدأ الأهالي بترتيب حلقة للدبكة ، وسرعان ما تحوّلت الى حلبة للعبة " السيف والترس " المشهورة في الشوير . كان اللعب شيقا ، حتى أن كريمسكي تملكه الخوف من جراء اندماج اللاعبين في هذه اللعبة . وخاف كثيرا من خطأ ما يرتكبه أحد اللاعبين بضربة من سيفه تصيب اللاعب الآخر . لكن الاحتفال مر على خير ، ولم يصب أحد ، وتفرق المحتفلون عائدين الى بلدتهم الشوير .

        لكن ما أقلق كريمسكي بعد الانتهاء من احتفالات الدير ، طواف بعض الصبية في شوارع الشوير يلعبون " بالسيف والترس " فوصفهم قائلا : " عدت الى المنـزل ، ومن نافذتي العالية شاهدت أطفال الشوير يرقصون في الطريق رقصة " السيف والترس " مقلدين بذلك ما شاهدوه في دير مار الياس يوم عيده . وكانوا يستعملون العصا عوضا عن السيف ، وما يشبه نصف كرة جلدية عوضا عن الترس . لكن هذه اللعبة كثيرا ما أدت الى حوادث طريفة ومحزنة . منها أن أحد الأولاد ضرب رفيقه بالعصا فأصابه صدفة في أسنانه . استبد الغيظ بالآخر وراح يضرب الأول بالعصا ضربا حقيقيا ، ثم تماسكا بالأيدي واشتغل العض ". جرى ذلك على سطح أحد المنازل ، ولحسن الحظ لم يؤد بهما العراك الى السقوط عن السطح ، كتلك الفتاة التي لها من العمر ثلاث سنوات ، والتي سقطت فكسرت رجلها ويدها .

        صحيح أن الأرثوذكس كانوا يعيدون بحسب التقويم الشرقي ، لكنهم كانوا يختلفون بطريقة التعييد ، كل بحسب بيئته ومحيطه . لم يكن أهل بيروت يحتفلون بالعيد في دير مار الياس بطينا كما في الشوير ، أو في بيت مري أو بلدة الحدث أو في أية قرية توجد فيها كنيسة أرثوذكسية على اسم النبي الياس .

        لقد امتاز الشويريون في طريقة تعييدهم لهذا النبي في ديره ، وكان معظم أهالي القرى المجاورة يقصدون الدير للاحتفال بالعيد ، لأن الدير كان مركزا دينيا _ اجتماعيا مميزا لدى الأرثوذكس والكاثوليك والموارنة على السواء . وتجدر الاشارة هنا ، أنه يوجد ديران متلاصقان على اسم النبي الياس في المكان ذاته ، واحد للأرثوذكس وآخر للموارنة ، وكان الاحتفال الأكبر والمميز عند الأرثوذكس . إضافة الى ذلك ، نشير الى أن الأعياد الدينية الاحتفالية في الشوير كانت تقام مشتركة ، وبحسب التقويم الشرقي دون المساس بعادات أبناء كل طائفة في الشوير .

        لقد وصف لنا العالم الكبير أغاتانغيل كريمسكي احتفالات أحد أعيادنا الدينية في الشوير ، جامعا معظم الصفات المشتركة للمسيحيين في هذه المنطقة ، والتي كان البعض يقف أمامها مشدوها ، لأنها كانت على عكس ما يتمناه الأغراب الغربيون في هذه المنطقة من جبل لبنان ، زمن المتصرفية .

                                                                الأب متري جرداق - بتصرّف    


Easter Unification 2009 special Web page  

Happy Easter 2009
First time in Lebanon

Easter Unification 2009 special Web page  

Latest link to Pixs and Videos of Good Friday and Hajmeh by SFA  

Great Easter Video Clip by Toni Mjaes - to Song & Music by Sabbagh bros. posted by Riad Khuniser

Great Video competition... 7 more videos + 100 pictures... by Shweir Future in Action (SFA)
This is Historic picture - moment, 1st time in centuries, Catholic & Orthodox churches Unify Easter

4 video clips of the two choirs practice to harmonize united Easter - videos & report by Samar

Photos by Wissam Khneisser, forwarded by Samih Baaklini



From: Silva Awad Bou-Zeid [mailto:silva_awad at hotmail dot com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 6:08 AM

Just to tell you that it was the greatest Easter i've ever seen in my life.  I took some pictures at “Seha” during Unification of the Two Easters. I would like if you could add some of them in the site (Easter Web Page).  Pls. see the photos:


From: samar kiame [mailto: kiamesamar at hotmail dot com]
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:36 AM
Subject: Abouna Tahhan speeches

attached are the speeches of Abouna Tahhan during the Palm Punday and the Good Friday, he wishes to publish it in the web.  will try to send you the translation you asked for as soon as i can
Best regards


عظة مرتجلة للأب جورج الطحّان خلال خدمة جناز المسيح

يا أحبة، لن أطيل عليكم، ولكن لا بد لنا بأن نشكر الرب على عطاياه الغزيرة، لأنه منحنا في هذا اليوم المبارك، يوم الجمعة العظيمة، وهو معلق على الصليب، فكان يدعونا لنكون واحدا كما هو والآب واحد، ولكن هذه الوحدة لتكون وحدة إيمانية مسيحية حقيقية كيانية، يجب أن تكون المحبة أولا، لتكون ثابتة ولنكون أبناء للكنيسة الواحدة، وأبناء للرب يسوع الذي فدانا بدمه على الصليب.
وكما يعلمنا الرسول بولس أنه أتى لكي يجمع المتفرقات الى اتحاد واحد، وما أحلى وما أجمل أن يكون الإخوة معا، لأنها هذه هي ليست فرحتنا نحن، ولكن فرحة الله بأبنائه، فرحة الله بنا، لنكون واحدا. وبنعمته تعالى جسدنا هذه الوحدة، ليس فقط بالإحتفالات الكنائسية، ولكن أيضا من خلال التعايش الذي عرفناه في هذه البلدة المحروسة بالله، فكنا كعائلة واحدة ليس فقط على صعيد العائلات في حياتنا الاجتماعية، ولكن أيضا على صعيد حياتنا الكنسية، وبالأخص بعلاقتنا نحن الكهنة، رجالات الكنيسة مع بعضنا البعض. وهكذا تمت الوحدة من طرفين، ولكن الأساس كان بركة أصحاب السيادة المطارنة، مطارنة العائلات الكنسية الثلاث، الاورثوذكسية والكاثوليكية والمارونية.
 عسى أن تتجسد هذه الوحدة لتكون وتتحول وحدة كاملة، ليس فقط في لبنان، ولكن في مشرقنا العربي وأيضا في العالم بأسره، ولكي نكون واحدا، يجب أن نعمل لنكون خميرة صالحة، وأن نعمل بصمت ليكون عملنا مثمرا، كالخميرة الصامتة الحية التي توضع في العجين الكبيرة فيختمر الكل.

مواسم مباركة نشاؤها لنا جميعا بالرب القائم من بين الاموات، عسى أن نكون كيانا واحدا بشكل أفضل، وعسى أن يصبح بلدنا لبنان أيضا ليكون واحدا، كما الكنيسة تتهيأ الآن نحو الوحدة الحقيقية، ليس فقط بالكلام والقول، ولكن أيضا بالعمل والحق.

الشكر دائما لللّه لن نشكر إنسانا لأن الله هو من أعطانا هذه الإماتة العظيمة فالشكر له دائما أدامكم الله وجعلكم أبناء لكنيسته المقدسة. آمين    

يوم الجمعة العظيمة الواقع فيه 18 نيسان 2009
في مناسبة توحيد تاريخِ عيد الفصح المقدَّس في بلدة الشوير وضهور الشوير


عظة للأب جورج الطحّان بعد الإنتهاء من رتبة زياح الشعانين

اللهُ الربُّ ظهرَ لنا، مبارَكٌ الآتي باسمِ الرَّب.

          كلمةُ محبَّةٍ أُلقيها باسمِ إخوتي قدس الأباءِ الأجلاَّء وباسمي الشخصي نعبِّرُ فيها عنْ شكرِنا الدائمِ للرَّبِّ على هذا اليوم المبارَك.

          دخلَ الرَّبُّ اليومَ أورشليم لا كما يدخلُ ملوكُ الأرضِ ورؤساؤها المدن.

          دخلَ الرَّبُّ اليومَ أورشليم على جحشٍ ابنِ أتان لا ليعبُرَ فقط أرضًا صخريَّةً حجريَّة ولا حتى إسفلتيَّة، إنما ليعبُرَ قلوبَنا اللحميَّة التي غذَّاها بمحبَّتِه الإلهيَّة لنا. فتُرجِمَ هذا العبورُ فرحًا مضاعَفًا:

          الفرحُ الأوَّل إنما هو فرحُنا بإلهِنا الظافر، الذي قهرَ الموتَ والشرَّ وقامَ من بينِ الأموات مانحًا إيانا الحياةَ الأبديَّة.

          والفرحُ الثاني هو فرحُ عبورِنا نحن، وفي قريتِنا المحبوبة، منَ الفِرقةِ إلى الوحدة. منَ الفرقةِ بانشقاقٍ دامَ رهطًا منَ الزمن، إلى بدايةِ تحدٍّ وجهادٍ لاستعادةِ وحدةٍ بالمسيح شئناها أن تكون، وببركةِ أصحابِ السيادةِ رؤسائنا الروحيين وبإرادةٍ شعبيَّة، فصحيَّةً قياميَّة.

          أتى المسيحُ "ليجمعَ المتفرِّقاتِ إلى اتِّحادٍ واحد"، كما يعلِّمُنا الرسولُ المصطفى بولس. أيليقُ بنا، نحن الذينَ اتَّخذنا المسيحَ مخلِّصًا وربًّا، بأن نساهمَ في تعميقِ هذه الفرقة؟ لذلكَ آمنَّا أنَّه لا بدَّ وأن تبدأَ شرارةُ الوحدة، وحدةِ المحبَّة، من مكانٍ ما، "ليسَ بالكلامِ فقط، بلْ بالعملِ والحق". فالشكرُ لله أنه منحَنا، رغمَ خطايانا وهفواتِنا، هذه البركةَ الكبيرة بأن تبدأَ شرارةُ المحبَّةِ هذه من قريتِنا الحبيبة التي كانت وما تزالُ أرضًا خصبةً للوحدة. فعسى أن نكونَ أمناءَ له، وأن يكونَ عملُنا هذا لمجدِ اسمِهِ القدُّوس ولمجدِ كنيستِهِ المقدَّسة التي اقتناها بدمِهِ الطاهر. قد يتغنَّى البعضُ ويقول بأنَّ ما أنجزناهُ عظيمٌ وقد دخلَ هذا الحدثُ التاريخ، وأنَّ أسماءنا قد دخلتِ التاريخَ أيضًا. أقولُ لهؤلاء نحنُ سنزول، والتاريخُ نهايتُهُ قريبةٌ لا مَحالة. أما الباقي والدائمُ أبدًا فهو اللهُ المحبُّ البشر الذي أتى متجسِّدًا من بتولٍ طاهرة ليرحَمَنا ويرفعَنا إلى مجدِ محبَّتِهِ الإلهيَّة. من يعملْ فلمجدِ اسمِهِ القدُّوس ينبغي له أن يعمل.

          إنجازٌ عظيمٌ نعم. ولكنْ ليكنْ عملُنا خميرةً صالحةً تحوِّلُ ما بدأناهُ ليكونَ شرارةَ محبَّةٍ وحدويَّة تنتقلُ إلى كلِّ مكان فتحرقَ غربةَ هذا الدهرِ وظلمتَهُ لتغسلَهُ وتنيرَهُ بمجدِ نورِ المسيح.

          فما أجملَ أن يجتمعَ الإخوةُ معًا، محقِّقينَ كلامَ الرَّبِّ فينا "بأن نحبَّ بعضُنا بعضًا كما أحبَّنا هو، لكي يعلمَ العالمُ أنَّنا تلاميذُهُ إنْ كانَ لنا حبٌّ بعضٌ لبعضٍ". وبهذه المحبَّة نصلُ إلى تحقيقِ دعوةٍ أخرى للرَّبِّ القائلِ تسبيحًا للآبِ السماوي "بأنْ نكونَ واحدًا كما هو والآبُ واحد".

          فهوشعنا، أوصَّنا في الأعالي، مبارَكٌ الآتي باسمِ الرَّبِّ ملكُ الملوكِ وربُّ الأرباب.

أحدُ الشعانين الواقعِ فيه 12 نيسان 2009

في مناسبة توحيد تاريخِ عيد الفصح المقدَّس في بلدة الشوير وضهور الشوير



Author Message
Samar Kiame

Joined: 24 Jan 2007
Posts: 206
Location: Shweir

New postPosted: 21 Apr 2009 03:12 pm    Post subject: The United Easter in Shweir & Ain el Sindyeneh 09 Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

Pictures talk

Photos from the Good Friday;

Videos of the Hajmeh in Shweir square, it shows the Catholic celebrating along side with the Orthodox

Pictures from the Hajmeh

Video from the Hajmeh in Mar Takla Church in Ain el Sindyeneh,

Photos from the Hajmeh at Mar takla church in Ain el Sindyeneh; it is the church where you feel that you are very close from God

The Catholics in Ain el Sindyeneh also celebrated the Eid with the Orthodox, unfortunately no videos or photos are taken from Saint Therese church (at least we didn’t receive anything from there till now), it is a big gap in our covering to the event, but will paste here again the videos of Abouna Mikhael, the priest of Saint Therese church (the last 3 videos in the link below), him and the Catholic people of Ain el Sindyaneh, attended the Good Friday in Saydeh church - i think the coordination with Firsen el 3adra in Saint Therese church will be good in the future -

what happened was historical indeed

God bless our town and protect its people
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nadia p. benab

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New postPosted: 21 Apr 2009 04:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

Beautiful, moving and elegant, Samar.
Thank you with love, Nadia
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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New postPosted: 21 Apr 2009 06:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

Samar, well done! and thank you so much for sharing the festivities of Easter...its scenes like you showed that draws me closer to my hometown every day!
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Nabil E. Matar

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New postPosted: 21 Apr 2009 07:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

Ya sammoura this event moves us all here, thank you very much ya Ammar. One thing I regret , We wash we were there to join this festivities.
God bless our town we are so proud of what you done there
المسيح قام
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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New postPosted: 21 Apr 2009 07:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

So Samar, Now that you got us a glimpse of what Easter was like in Shweir, what are your thoughts and feelings regarding Shweir and the events surrounding the Easter?
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Fantastic Video of Easter unification - to Song & Music by Sabbagh bros.
Special Music & words for United Easter by Fareed & Maher Sabbagh

Please, we need a volunteer to translate so we can share it world wide

From: Riad Khunieser
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 2:43 AM
Subject: RE: Palm Sunday

I wish you were here yesterday. It was something unbelievable. Parliament deputies were walking side by side with children and with most people of Shweir in a popular movement for unifying the Easter and the church. A special song was written and composed by the Sabaghe brothers, Farid and Maher for this event. Shwerieh were in the two Mukhalis churches in Dhour. At the decided time all came out, priests in front with scouts all around  and they crossed the main street walking towards each other and they met at the mid-point where they became one, then all marched towards the Saha while the Sabagh song was playing  with Saf wa ters and Shweir flag.

All the priests climbed the stage and the Mronite Priest read the bible, then the Orthodox Priest read a nice word then the Catholic x-head of the Rahbany Shweirieh said a word with no preparation and wasn’t in the program, but it was an excellent one, I hope I can send it to you latter. At the end the priests hugged each other and then all the people came up the stage to salute and praise the priests for what Jesus made them do.

Shweir was yesterday the Shweir that our fathers told us about. Shweir will be the same, when we all walk towards the same aim, united for the benefit of Shweir and all Shweirieh, working together not against each other, even though if each one of us thinks he is head.  Thank you very much Anwar for staying late at night to share Shweirieh around the world the happiness that Jesses has put in our hearts.

Bless you



From: Riad Khunieser
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:36 PM
Subject: Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday (Sha’anini) is usually the children’s season. Their mothers will dress them fancy cloth and their fathers will carry them, with their candles lighted and drops of wax coming down on Papa jacket, all the way to the church, in the church and outside it. Children on their father’s shoulders crossing the streets “resemble” Jesus ridding the donkey crossing the streets to Jerusalem.


Sinning eyes of happiness in Sahat Dhour Al-Shweir cann’t be described neither by pens nor by cameras. The event was broadcasted by most TV stations with the evening news.

When Shweir walks towards unity, history will be written.

Happy Palm Sunday

Photos by Riad



See translation into English below...

`البداية من الشوير

عندما أنشئ نظام القائمقيتين في أربعينيات القرن التاسع عشر ، قال أبناء الشوير :" إذا كان نصيبنا أن نكون في القائمقامية المسيحية بحسب الجغرافيا ، فلا مانع لدينا ؛ لكن إذا فرض علينا هذا الأمركوننا مسيحيين ، فنحن نريد أن نكون في القائمقامية الدرزية ، لأننا غير متعصبين مسيحياً " ؛ هذا ما نقله المطران جورج خضر عن الدكتور أسد رستم .

عادة ، يعيّد المسيحيون المشرقيون ، وفي لبنان بخاصة ، عيد الفصح سوية كل أربع سنوات . وبعد قرن ونصف من الزمن ، أراد أهل بلدة الشوير أن يكسروا القاعدة السائدة ، ويعيدوا لبلدتهم دورها الريادي في المبادرات الوطنية والدينية ، فيعيّدوا ولأول مرة سوية ، أرثوذكس وكاثوليك ، عيد الفصح بحسب التقويم الشرقي ، على الرغم من أن الفرق بين العيدين هذه السنة ، أسبوعا واحدا .

ونعود الى الاحتفال بالفصح قبل قرن ونصف ، فيقول الأرشمندريت غبرئيل جبارة " أنه عندما طلب البطريرك الكاثوليكي، أن يعيّد كاثوليك الشرق عيد الفصح بحسب التقويم الغريغوري، حصل انشقاق وحركة ارتداد في بيروت ودمشق على هذا القرار ، ورفض كاثوليك هذه المنطقة الأمر ، وارتد 1915 شخصا منهم الى الأرثوذكسية ، بقيادة كاهنين هما غبرئيل جبارة ويوحنا حبيب . وعندما قدم البطريرك سنة 1858 الى مدينة بيروت ليطلّع على الأمور عن كثب ، لم يجد مكانا وقفياً للروم الكاثوليك للنـزول فيه ، فاستقبله أحد أبناء الرعية من آل يارد في منـزله ، وبعد أيام قليلة غادر بيروت تاركا الأمور كما هي ، ولم يستطع أن يغيّر شيئا في الأمر " .

وعندما انتخب المطران أثناسيوس صوايا مطرانا على بيروت لملّة الروم الكاثوليك ، أوائل القرن العشرين ، كان على اتفاق تام مع المطران جراسيموس مسرة ، الذي قال عنه مرة " إن روما لم تستطع أن تغيّر من قناعات هذا المطران الشويري . فقد كان يقول : أنا من الشوير ، وإذا زادوها علي ، فلن أتوانى عن إعلان الارتداد ثانية ، ودار أخي ومعلمي جراسيموس مسرة ليست ببعيدة عني ، فأنا مستعد لاعلان رئاسته دون تردد . وبقي الأمر على ما هو حتى وفاته ، وارتاحت روما من هذا المطران المتمرّد ( دينياً ) .

هنا ، لا أريد أن أثير أمورا هي في صلب المباحثات الأرثوذكسية _ الكاثوليكية على صعيد الرئاسات ، بل لأقول أن الإنسان هو كل شيء ، هو الهدف ، هو النقطة الأساسية في سر التجسد الخلاصي للسيد المسيح . وكل احتفالات دينية بعد قيامته من الأموات وصعوده الى السموات ، إنما هي تذكارات لمجيئه وموته وقيامته على أمل المجيء الثاني ، وكلها في سبيل خلاص النفس الانسانية .

لن أدخل في سبب الاختلاف في تعييد الفصح ، لكن ما أريد قوله ، أن الشعب المؤمن يلعب دورا مهما في تذليل الصعاب التي تقف حجر عثرة في طريقه ، وله الحق أن يساهم في كل ما  يعنيه في الصميم .

لقد اتفق الشويريون أن يعيّدوا الفصح معا هذه السنة 2009 ، أرثوذكساً وكاثوليكاً ، ليعيدوا ما حرموا منه قبل قرن ونصف . فأخذوا بركة الرؤساء ، وكانوا البادئين في المسيرة للاحتفال المشترك بعيد الفصح . إنها خطوة عجز الأقدمون عن تخطّيها ، لكن إرادة الحاليين استطاعت أن تغّير شيئا كان مستحيلا من قبل ، ليبرهنوا أن الانسان هو كل شيء .

نأمل أن تعم هذه الخطوة كل بلاد المشرق المسيحي ، وينعم أهله بفرح القيامة مجتمعين ، وتزول العراقيل والحواجز التي ورثوها ، ليفرح هو لفرحهم ، ويحبوا بعضهم كما هو أحبهم .

                                                        الأب متري جرداق 

Thank you Fr. Mitri Jurdak for the Translation...

The Beginning from Shweir

When the KAYMAKAMATE directorate was established during the 40’s of the 19th century, the Shweirits commented: “if we were to be in the Christian KAYMAKAMATE for geographical reasons, we don’t mind, but if this must be because we are Christians, we want to be in the Druzes KAYMAKAMATE, because we are not Christian fanatics”; According to Metropolitan Georges Khodr who took it from Dr Assad Rustum.

Usually, the Christians of the East, especially those in Lebanon, celebrate Easter together once every 4 years. After a century and a half, the people of Shweir wanted to break this rule, and regain for their town its leading role in the national and religious initiatives, to celebrate Easter for the first time together, Orthodox and Catholics, according to the Eastern calendar, although the difference between the two holidays this year is one week only.

Referring to Archimandrite Gabriel Gebara concerning Easter celebration a century and a half ago, he says: “When the Catholic Patriarch ordered that the Eastern Catholics celebrate Easter following the Gregorian calendar, there was a split and a regression in Beirut and Damascus because of this order and a rejection among all Roman Catholics of the region, and 1915 people had converted to Orthodox led by the priests Gabriel Gebara and Youhanna (John) Habib. In 1858 When the Patriarch visited the city of Beirut to have a close up view of the issue, he did not find a place for the Catholic parish to stay in, so he stayed at a parishioner home from the Yared family, and after few days he left Beirut, leaving things as they are not able to do any changes ".

When Metropolitan Athanasios Sawaya was elected as the Catholic Bishop on Beirut, at the beginning of the 20th century, he was on good terms with the (Orthodox) Metropolitan Gerassimus Massarra who once said about him: “Rome couldn’t change any of principles of this “Shweirii” bishop”. For he always said: “I am from Shweir, and if they (Rome) pressed me more, I won’t hesitate to convert, and the house of my brother and teacher Gerassimus Massarra is not far, and I’m ready to accept his authority without hesitation”. And the situation remained like that until his death, and Rome was rid of this troublesome bishop.

I don’t want to discuss here matters of the Orthodox-Catholic dialogue between the heads of the churches, but to say that human being is everything; he’s the goal, the main focus of the messianic mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. And all religious ceremonies after the resurrection from the dead and rise to the heavens are souvenirs of the incarnation, death and resurrection and the hope of the second coming, all in the purpose of soul salvation.

I will not go into the cause of the difference in celebrating Easter, but what I want to say is that the Christian people play an important role in overcoming the difficulties that stand in his way, and the people has the right to contribute in all of what it deeply concern him.

The people of Shweir have agreed to celebrate Easter together this year of 2009, and Orthodox and Catholics, to restore what they have been denied a century and a half ago. So they took the blessing of the church leaders and became the initiators of the joint Easter celebration. It is a step to overcome the inability of the leader, but their will was able to change something, which was impossible before, to demonstrate that the human being is everything.

We hope that this step will be generalized among all of the Christians of the East, and its entire people enjoy the joy of Resurrection together, and the obstacles and barriers that they inherited are removed, so the Lord will be happy for their joy, and they love each other as he loved them.

Fr. Mitri Jurdak



Happy Easter 2008

Easter at Dayr Mar Elias - 50 photos slide show by Samar, samples below

A night with Jesus at Saydeh, Photo album by Samar

The Great Friday this year was really special at Saydeh church, it united the people of Shweir, Roum and Catholic, led by Abouna Johny from Mar Youhanna Catholic Monastery celebrated mass alongside side with Abouna George:   Click here to see Photos by Samar

Also the Great Friday Mass was held at Mar Takla church in Ain el Sindyeneh, as usual… Very special indeed...  Photos by Samar

Hajmet Al Saydet by Samar 

Slide Show of Palm Sunday in Shweir by Samar  and click here > > for Sabet al Azaar

And Palm Sunday in CALifornia - 5 Shweiry families meet there by chance.. 
Click here for more photos.

Happy Easter - Photo Album by Samar Peak below


Easter 2007

Photos by Riad

Sha3neeneh at Saydeh Church -36 pictures by Samar
Mar Boutross Church - 16 photos
Saydeh Church - another 23 pictures
Markakla Church - Breaking Eggs  7 pictures
Darb El Saleeb - 48 pictures slide show by Samar

Nidal Ashkar in wheel chair waiting for prosthesis

Discussion @ Easter & Nidal on the Bulletin Board  



Amazing ... look below at all the activity that took place in April 2006

Emigrants Festival 2006 Committee
Click here to view MOTHERS' DAY PICTURES
HAPPY 100's Birthday Nassib Touma Sawaya
To see all 182 pictures of A3mmou Nassib's 100's Birthday Party, click here  
To read a report in Arabic about Jiddo Nassib's B'day on the BB by Samar Kiamy, Click here
Our infra-structure and its impact on the Environment
Sabbagh Brothers, Fareed & Maher, direct & produce musical play, Che Quevera

Al Is3af Mass - 97 pixs by Riad
The Mass was in the Mukhalis Orthodox Church w/Bouna Shalhoub
and Bouna Elie gave an excellent speech.

Good Friday at Saydeh and Dayr Mar Elias, by Riad
Good Friday - Al Jumaa al Azeemeh at Saydeh Church by Samar  
Al Hajmeh - Mar Takla Church by Samar
The Lord's Last Supper, click here to see 143 slide show pixs by Riad
Re-enacment of Crucifiction at Mukhliss Church, click to see pixs by Samar
Palm Sunday 2006 pictures by Samar
Palm Sunday 2006 pictures by Riad 
Easter 2006 -Passion Week Recital w/ Jumana Mdawar


Al Mukhallis - Orthodox - Dhour

April 2006

Al Is3af Mass - 97 pixs by Riad

The Mass was in the Mukhalis Orthodox Church w/Bouna Shalhoub
and Bouna Elie gave an excellent speech. Read text below.

It is so wonderful and uplifting to see the Orthodox and Catholic priests praying together


Al Saydeh  


Good Friday at Saydeh and Dayr Mar Elias, by Riad

Good Friday - Al Jumaa al Azeemeh at Saydeh Church by Samar  

And Below, see Palm Sunday for Roum Orthodox




Easter 2004

Anwar, This is the third Easter attended by Vanessa Georges Bou-Zeid at Deir Mar Elias.   I am sending you photos attached with this email for Vanessa from Easter 2004 hoping if you could post them in Shweir website. Thanks in advance,  Silva Bou-Zeid




Thank You Nijad Chalhoub for sending us the brochure on Saydeh as we feature it here in.   Click on Thumbnails to enlarge.  Thank you Nijad.

 Read history about the Saydeh in the next pages below written by Raja Shweiri.  
Click on any of the small photos or icon below to enlarge them. 

   Saydeh Arabic P2.JPG (62466 bytes) Saydeh Arabic P3.JPG (73053 bytes)   Saydeh Arabic P4.JPG (63193 bytes)
Saydeh Foto Int Altar.JPG (126146 bytes)
The Altar
Saydeh Foto Int North.JPG (143692 bytes)
North Side
Saydeh Foto Int West Stairs.JPG (131758 bytes)
West Side & Stairs
Saydeh Mural 3 Angels.JPG (138154 bytes)
Three Angels
Saydeh Mural Abr Sacrfc Issac.JPG (135703 bytes)
Abraham Sacrifice Son
Saydeh Mural Halo Arms up.JPG (139153 bytes)
Halo & Arms to Heaven

We hope the above information will clear some of the mystery surrounding the history of Al Saydeh.  Thank you all who responded to our questions and thank you again Nijad.  Well Done.  

Posted by Habeeb Nacol on August 20, 2000 at 12:31:09:

In Reply to: Churches by Najib Chalhoub posted by Visitor # 660 on August 15, 2000 at 21:31:16:

: The pictures of the churches are beautiful Thank you Najib. However the Gallery is not complete without Mar Abda, Mar Giryes, Saydit Ain Sindyaneh, Mar Tarez, and the three Mikhliss churches in Dhour. Did I forget any? Maybe Mar Youhanna.
: The Churches pictures brought some wonderful and sad memories back. These are the Churches where our ancestors, parents, and many of us got married at, That's where we & they were baptised, these are the places were we tearfully bid our loved ones farewell.
: This Gallery should be completed, I am calling on a volunteer from Shweir to post pictures of all our Churches, inside and outside.

: Web Master this is not a deviation from the Web page Mission Statement. On the contrary this is our heritage and will enrich our page. I also recommend having a dedicated page Titled "CHURCHES" that we can visit when we have the need to be closer to our spritual self in our little churches of Shweir.

: Once again Thank you Najib for the Idea.


Mar Boutross   


Mar Elias     

For those of you who missed Easter 2005 at Mar Elias, here are some pictures of Good Friday and Easter Sunday

Eastern Good Friday
April 29, 2005
Thanks to
Silva Awad Bou Zeid
for sending the pictures
Eastern Easter Sunday
May 1, 2005


Visiting the recently discovered church below Dayr Mar Elias...

My cousin George Saadallah Samaha took me on a special tour... Entry to Dayr P8100156.JPG (57667 bytes) painting above entry P8100157.JPG (60156 bytes)
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My friend 
Milad Ataya... was working on the Dayr... 
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Sometime ago, they discovered a church below the existing church P8100179.JPG (49528 bytes)
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Prayer room
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P8100169.JPG (59061 bytes) P8100172.JPG (59789 bytes) and a series of chambers w/entrances getting narrower and lower as a form of defense against invaders who would have to enter bowing their heads P8100175.JPG (30658 bytes)
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Dayr Mar Elias - Poetry and Song       

Aug. 16, - 2001   Thursday  9:00 p.m. 
Poetry night led by the poet Shawki Amar with his gifted poets 

Roula Zaidan, in a setting that rivals 1001 nights, eloquently presents the program

“Chawki Amar ” At the “Emigrants’ Festival 2001”

A Report by Hanadi Adel Abdel Ahad

Poetry is one of the most widespread arts in our beautiful country, Lebanon. Through this art, poets express their feelings of sadness or happiness and describe the beauty they see around them. The Shweirieh, like their fellow Lebanese citizens, adore poetry. For this reason, they dedicate at least one day of the “Emigrants’ Festival” they hold annually to honor poetry and its masters.

This year, such an occasion was held on Thursday August the 16th at “Deir Mar Elias- Chouaya” at 21:00 o’clock, where the scene is fascinating,  overlooking from above the Metn, Kesrwan and Beirut; in fact, you feel breath taken as you simultaneously listen to the poems and watch outside in the darkness and silence of the lonely night.

It began with the national anthem, as the Shweirieh stood respectfully to proudly honor their country. Then the bishop “Elias Najm” gave a speech, and “Rima Bou Kheir” gave another, in the name of the committee organizing this year’s “Emigrants’ Festival”. After that, some girls and boys said a few poems. Later, the same girls and boys sang some poems, accompanied by “Marcel Nasr” who was playing the “ Oud or عود ” (a musical instrument). Consequently, the announcer“ Roula Zeidan” introduced “Chawki Amar”. Chawki is a poet from the village of Ain Anoub in the Chouf. He has written many books, including “Talinar” and “Falej Ma Taalej”, and he is soon going to sign a book under the title “Defending Reincarnation”. In addition, he has put together in one book 17000 popular proverbs. That night, he said some poems and 70 of those proverbs, each starting with the last word of the preceding one. He finalized them by saying something about Dhour El Shweir, our beloved village.

Indeed, that was one other splendid and pleasurable evening everybody spent, enjoyed and will remember as a souvenir forever.

Why everybody? Simply because the” Emigrants’ Festival” has succeeded in gathering and satisfying all the Shweirieh with their different age categories, taking into consideration their various interests and aspirations. Of course, we are thankful and grateful for that, and we do hope and pray a similar thing will take place next year. We will need God’s blessings for that!

Looking forward to seeing all the emigrants by then present at least for some time in their lovely, favorite, irreplaceable and dearest Shweir…

Thank You for a great report
Hanadi Adel Abdel Ahad

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Entrance lined with candle lit white bags
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Layal & Manal discussing Festival strategy
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Church from upper balcony
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Audience on the open air rooftop of Dayr Mar Elias
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Mitran Najm
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Roula Zaidan
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Rima Abi Kheir
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Young & inspiring poets

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Dr. Shawki Omar
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There is young Helen Ataya in the purple sweater
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Alternating poetry recitals
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Roula with 2 Shawkis
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Cynthia Samaha & Family from Jouwaar
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Antoine Abdu Saar Family from Doowaar
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Still lit candles lit the pathways to the exit...

The poetry recital, setting, music and production were professional and impressive.  

The audience expressed their gratitude, enjoyment, appreciation and accolades.  

And in particular, there was one "poette" that stood out... some attendees  wondered... "Who is that young lady in Red?  Where is she from?  She looks like a young Fairuz.  Is she related to Fairuz?

Okay, her name is Cynthia Samaha... full name is Cynthia Tanios Sami Asaad Girgi Tannous Samaha.  How is that for knowing your family roots that far back... quite impressive.  She recites poetry masterfully, sings with an angelic voice, I do not know if she is related to Fairuz but... with that voice and mannerism...  she may very well be the young and upcoming new "Fairuz".  I would like to say that Cynthia is my distant cousin since my grandmother is from the Samaha Family... but that may be jumping the gun (means rushing to quick conclusion).  I will wait to hear from her brother Elias who is in the process of building the family tree on the new program many of us are using, (see family tree web page) and compare how distant of cousins we are.  Cynthia and her family live in Jouwaar close to the flower shop.  When Cynthia becomes a big star, remember you heard about her on 

Click here to get back to Eid al Mughtaribeen   

Click here to get back to August 2001



Mar Jeryes

New Subdeacon Rabih Abou Samra


احتفلت كنيسة مار جرجس _ الشوير بقداس الهي تم خلاله سيامة الأخ "ربيع وجيه ابو سمرا" شماساً رسائلياً بحضور الأهل والاًصدقاء .

ترأس المطران جورج خضر  _ مطران جبل لبنان _ الذبيحة الإلهية بمشاركة عدد من الكهنة ، وكان ذلك يوم السبت الواقع فيه 27 آب 2005 .



Parent - Teacher - Student Music forum at Mar Jeryes

Author Topic: Join us to the Bisantic music at Shweir
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 11-26-2005 08:28 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
“Ni, Pa, Vou, Gha, Dhy, Ké, Zo, Ni…. » :
That’s what the children begin to chant when they enlighten the hall of Mar Jiryes church in shweir with the professional in the “Bisantic music and chant” Dr. Nicolas Rihbany and in the presence of the singer Samy Houbayaa (Clark).
The mothers who came with their children was surprised of seeing them learning very quickly even answering with much of enthusiasm the difficult questions posed by Dr. Rihbany so they profit from the occasion to learn what their children are learning.

The organizers of this activity wish to see young faces too to join and participate in such activities.

If you want to learn about the “Bisantic” music and chant, don’t be late; it is your chance,

Place: Mar Jiryes church - Shweir.
Date : Saturday at 6:00 p.m.

Posts: 87 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Habeeb M. Nacol
Member # 15

posted 11-26-2005 09:28 AM      Profile for Habeeb M. Nacol     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Samar, boy how I wish that I could be there for this occasion. Please tell us more.
Posts: 958 | From: Beaumont, Texas, U.S.A. | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged

If you like to read folow up comments or post a response, go to:;f=1;t=001702#000002

Thank you to all who helped put this event together.

Thank you Samar for the above report and taking and sending the pictures.




Mar Takla

Easter 2006 - Al Hajmeh - Mar Takla Church Pictures by Samar

Christmas Evening in Mar Takla w/Shweir Music


Author Topic: A Christmas night with the music group in Shweir
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 12-26-2005 11:42 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
On Saturday 17/12/2005, the music group in Shweir invited to a Christmas night at Mar Takla church, where they sat in front of a wooden brown temple, wearing Santa’s hats and white neckerchiefs around their necks, and played the Christmas songs…

Wissam Sawaya gave the sign of the beginning and with one heart the musicians filled the air with the tunes that differed from a piece of music to another, the voices of the instruments join each others softly and quietly then powerfully and highly, they catch and attracted the hearts…

The people whom by their eyes where giving thankful looks, claps highly for the musicians and sometimes they was clapping and singing jolly with them, the small children stand to dance innocently and applaud with much of bright in their eyes…

All were pulled towards these young musicians, who were playing professionally on their instruments…

That night, this small church on the summit of the mountain in Ain el Sindyeneh gathered the people with love to celebrate the coming of the Christ, they prayed without words jolly and happily…

And one more time, the music group in Shweir improved its capacity on being one of the most successful acts in our town.

The musicians;

Wissam Sawaya: conductor
Khalil abi Kheir: Bass Guitar
Bashar Sawaya: D. Bass
Omar Dirgham: Trombone
Wael Baaklini: Keyboard
Salah bou Saab: Trumpet
Wassim Baaklini: Trumpet
Nabil abi Kheir: Trumpet
Darine el Rihbany: Clarinet
Silina bou Saab: Clarinet
Elie Samaha: Clarinet
Toufic Mirhej : T. Sax
Haykal el Halaby : A. Sax
Diyala el Rihbany: Flute
Elie Shammass: Flute
Carla el Halaby: Bongos
Nadine el Halaby: Drums
Darine el Halaby: Percussion

[ 12-29-2005, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Samar Kiame ]

Posts: 96 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Member # 327

posted 01-03-2006 02:36 PM      Profile for Anwar   Author's Homepage        Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Thank you Samar for a great report and for sending the pictures.
Your report above gives excellent details about the event and lists the main participants. That is the best example of providing factual information about any event. It is so nice that we can list the members of the Shweir music and the instruments they play(ed). These players and the band leaders spend countless hours in practice sessions to entertain and enchant the community with their creativity and artistic abilities. It is great that we can recognize them individually and collectively.

Wishing all of you a very happy, healthy and successful 2006.


Posts: 35 | From: San Francisco, California | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged





Ain El Sindyaneh - Summer 2003
Mar Takla Expansion and Renovation
Thank you George Samaha
of Alsad Restaurant for making this data possible

A new Bell Tower in Ain Sindyaneh

300 degreeView from
Mar Takla Roof

It is hard to tell where the expansion section started because we still have some of the best craftsmen to build "akd" (coved stone ceilings)...
This whole area behind where Edmond Rahbani placed his hand is the new addition.
Many Thanks to all the people who made the great effort possible.


Author Topic: 3eed Mar Takla
Samar Kiame
Member # 227

posted 09-28-2005 11:23 AM      Profile for Samar Kiame     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
In the middle of the darkness of Ain el Sindyeneh Mountain, small candles draw by its lights the walls of Mar Takla church where people went by road or cross the old and long stairs that contribute to it to celebrate on this evening 3eed Mar Takla that this event repeated every year at the evening of 23 of September.

But this year, different things were prepared for this celebration;
After the mass in which people prayed warmly especially for Abouna Ibrahim to come back soon to his church after an operation in his leg that unfortunately didn’t allow him to attend this event, young musicians from the musical group in Shweir and with much of confidence, they caught the audience attention by the holly music they played inside this beautiful church which the stones of its walls alone gave a tenderly feeling to its visitors, and so what to say, when this area combine with the tunes of these youths who was playing sensitively in their instruments, and maybe it is the first time in the “Orthodox church” in our town prayers happened in a different way, prayers with no words, an innocent language make you closer from God.
And “Jabal Libnen” recital too, came to share this occasion in this small village.

And this was just the beginning, outside the church, all the people gathered under the big oak where a party of Zajal began, and Mr. Karam Korban didn’t forget to tell some of his poems prepared especially for this event.
And what to say, when the “dabkeh” with the “tableh” and “dirbakeh” make all the feet in one step hit the ground of that small square that missed to hear that laughs long time ago…
Not to forget the “Awarma”, “Hareeseh”, “mana’eesh 3a saj” , cakes and fruits brought from the village to share it with those who came from Achrafieh, Shweir, Khonshara, Mrouj, Bikfaya and the “Abadayet” who came from Himlaya, wearing t-shirts where it is written “Tourass el Matn” and they continued the evening with shows took us back to the ancient days when men used to do a competition to see who can carry the most heaviest stone.
Around the “Abadayet” people made a ring, and an area of excitement, stimulation, encouragement, laughs and enjoy made some volunteers participate to carry the big stones, some of them succeeded, others didn’t but at least they tried….

Yin3ad 3alaykon


Posts: 81 | From: Shweir | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Waleed Moujaes
Member # 17

posted 09-28-2005 12:50 PM      Profile for Waleed Moujaes     Send New Private Message      Edit/Delete Post  Reply With Quote 
Inshallah yen3ad 3al jamee3!!  Congratulations, Ain Al Sindiyaneh!! It seems that it was a great event. Hopefully we can have some pictures, and MOST IMPORTANT:

Maybe eid al mughtarebeen committee can learn few things. I am sure, the people in Ain Al Sindiyaneh did not have a budget to talk about!!!

My simple question is: Why can't we do the same for every festival, Eid Mar Elias, Eid al Rub, Eid al Saydeh, Independence Day, Christmas, Easter, Scouts day (I believe sometime in August) etc. That is the only way we can bring back life to our beloved town.

Posts: 372 | From: Columbus, OH | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged

And here are some pictures...



Tank you Samar for the report and the pictures.  :)



Mar Yohanna  


  P8090104.JPG (62980 bytes)   P8090100.JPG (57745 bytes)  


October 2000:  The following are from Souheil Khonaysser, Texas, USA

Click on the photo to enlarge it... click on "Back Arrow" to return to this Photo Page. 

Mar Elias On HIll.JPG (31286 bytes)
Mar Elias on Hill
Mar Yohanna Bldgs 1696+.JPG (53729 bytes)
Mar Yohanna Buildings 1696+
Chapel - Antara.JPG (67073 bytes)
Chapel & Antara
Shweir & Assis.JPG (66223 bytes)
Shweir & Ain El Assis
1st Print Press 1734-Yohanna.JPG (41125 bytes)
First Printing Press 1734
Mar Yohanna Altar.JPG (61247 bytes)
Mar Yohanna Altar
Al Ain.JPG (61118 bytes)
Al Ain
Old Engrvd Books.JPG (33488 bytes)
Old Engraved Books
Print Press Display.JPG (48652 bytes)
Print Press Display

Thank You Souheil Khonaysser for clearing the exact date for the first printing press in the Middle East 


St. Therese

Eid Saint Therese

Ain El Sindyaneh who celebrated the last week 3eed Mar Takla, continue this week on celebrating 3eed Saint Therese that date in the first of October.

Saint Therese church differ from the other churches in our town by its children that every Sunday when Abouna Mkhayel arrive to the village coming from Mar Yuhana convent, they hurried to ring the bell.

These children, that their eyes and bodies are full of life, are gathered in this church with love and faith.

On this evening, they was proud to become a part of “Chevalier de Marie” society, and swear in front of God and their parents and all who came to visit this church in this evening, to follow Mary’s steps by working, serving and giving with love as a duty for their belonging to this society.

These happiest moments was clearly appearing in their smile faces.

After the Mass they invited people to share them the sketches they prepared and that is took from stories from the bible.

And I can’t tell how much Abouna Boulos Bou Rjayleh, who is one of the founders of “Chevalier de Marie” society before the war, was happy of seeing it born again.

End of the first day

The second day, a songs party was decided near the church with the singers “Nabil Abou Chibel” and “Chady el Reef” who spent the night singing and people didn’t stop the “dabkeh” and oriental dances, and of course not to forget the “mana’eesh 3al saj” and drinks that are ready in every party.

End of the second day

 In the third day, 2/10/2005 a Mass took place in the church with the presence of the fathers from Mar Yuhana convent, nuns from Khonshara and Shweir and people who came from the different regions to pray in this occasion to the “Saint Therese”.

Mabrook for our real “Chevaliers de Marie” w yin3ad 3al jamee3.
